Proxied Connections

Proxied Connections


If the knot client is installed and the knot server is started with the option --enable-proxy then it provides functionality to allow connections to services running within a Nomad cluster to be proxied via knot, this can allow connection to services without the local machine having direct access to the cluster network.


The lookup command queries for the IP and port associated with a service.

knot proxy lookup example.service.consul

Port Forwarding

Port forwarding will forward a local port to the port associated with the service running within the Nomad cluster.

knot proxy port :9000 example.service.consul

The browser can then be pointed at http://localhost:9000

SSH Forwarding

SSH forwarding will forward a SSH connection to a SSH server running within the Nomad cluster identified by the service name.

ssh -o ProxyCommand='knot proxy ssh %h' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]